I want to be a anesthesiologist when i grow up. most people have no idea what anesthesiologist does well they put patients to sleep when they undergo surgery. it is a very dangerous job because you can very easily kill someone, if you dont give them enough gas they could wake,(that would not be good if your in the middle of having a surgery). if you give them to much the patients body could have an reaction or stay asleep to long. on the bright side of all of that i think it would be very cool to watch all diffrent kinds of surgerys, because you have to stay in the room incase something goes wrong. thats what i want to be when i grow up.

Future Friday

This weeks Future Friday was Megan Cashen. She talked all about her job which is Severe/Profound Special Ed. I thought her job was very interesting ,she showed us pictures , tools they use for students,and talked about the Special Olympics. I”m very glad she came to talk to our class about her job, I cant wait to see what next weeks Future Friday is 🙂